This above all, to thine own self be true.
- William Shakespeare
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
- Confucius
Happiness depends upon ourselves.
- Aristotle
A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.
– Lao Tsu
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man... the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.
- Chief Seattle
Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
– St Francis of Assisi
There are no facts, only interpretations.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein
Clearly, this list is a personal selection. What quote tops your list of most inspiring? Please post your favorite quote as a comment.
those are really fascinating
ReplyDeletethis is something that i made up randomly:
The main killer has to be found to to find the real killer.
what is that mean?
ReplyDeleteGlad I'm not the only one who can't search deeply enough to understand that little gem.
ReplyDeleteA good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.
ReplyDelete– Lao Tsu
Those who believe in "free will" are the most predictable. Identity is destiny among the Earthians.
ReplyDelete"To whom much is given, much is required." Luke 12:48
ReplyDeleteLife is not about arriving safely to your grave in a well-preserved body, it's about sliding in sideways shouting "holy shit what a ride!".... Jimi Hendrix quoted The Power of Love..
ReplyDeletehere is my collection of favorites; enjoy.
ReplyDeleteThe road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it put your whole soul into it - every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.
John D. Rockefeller III
Where there is love, nothing is missing.
Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.
You can’t cross the sea by merely standing by and staring at the water.
Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.
Everyone who wills can hear the inner voice. It is within everyone.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you are a success. -H. Boetcker
The mind has exactly the same power as the hands: not merely to grasp the world, but to change it. -Colin Wilson
Joseph Campbell: The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. - Philippians 4:8 (KJV)
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nearly everyman who develops an idea works at it up to the point where it looks impossible and then gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged.
Thomas A. Edison
(1847-1931, American Inventor, Entrepreneur, Founder of GE)
Do not wait for an opportunity to be all that you want to be; when an opportunity to be more than you are now is presented and you feel impelled toward it, take it. It will be the first step toward a greater opportunity.
The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
Walter Bagehot