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May the world be kind to you, and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Take Charge of Your Life - 9 Secrets for Getting Un-Stuck - Jonthan Lockwood Huie

Take Charge of Your Life - 9 Secrets for Getting Un-Stuck
- Jonthan Lockwood Huie

From the way most people live, one would never guess that humans are beings of free will. Repetition can be a choice, but often it isn't. The athlete or pianist who practices the same routine day after day, year after year, has their eye on a goal. The unending repetition is a conscious choice in the pursuit of a life dream. But what about the sameness of most lives? Observe the morning commute, the after-work drink, the Sunday football game or religious service - how many of those people are consciously following their dream, training their mind, body, and spirit through that daily repetition? And how many are mindlessly slogging through each day out of habit and boredom?

You can take charge of your own life - today. Here are 9 secrets to get you started:

1. Believe in yourself. A daily affirmation may seem to be a silly idea, but give it a try anyway. Write your own affirmation about your abilities, and repeat it each day before you leave your home. Start with the following, and modify it until it fully expresses your commitments, beliefs, and intents.

I am unlimited.
I take responsibility for my life.
My every action is a conscious choice.
I can accomplish anything good that I truly set my mind on.
I keep focus, and persevere.

2. Make peace with your past. In the words of William Shakespeare, "What's done is done." You can't change the past. You can't undo any actions you took or failed to take. Your only choice today is either to waste energy and emotion on regrets and resentments, or to treat your own past like a history book - an interesting, but emotionally neutral, recitation of ancient times.

3. See each day as a new beginning. Don't project your past onto your future. Suppose you won the lottery yesterday, would that mean you will win the lottery again tomorrow? Usually, we are fairly realistic about not expecting a run of good fortune to continue, but when we hit a streak of bad luck, we tend to project that failure into our future and think times will never get better. So you stepped on a banana peel and slipped yesterday, does that mean it will happen again tomorrow? If you got fired or your lover left, it's unfortunate, but there's always tomorrow - a tomorrow that can shine so long as you don't project yesterday's shadow upon it.

4. Look for the best in people. Everyone has good points and bad. Everyone will please you at times and annoy you at others. While there is power in choosing to associate mostly with positive people, there is even more power in seeing the best in everyone. Everyone has a lesson to teach us. Let the impact of an unkind or thoughtless word last only a moment, but bask for a whole day in gentle words and insightful thoughts. The happiest among us have no enemies.

5. Make a gratitude list, and review it often.
Not everything has gone well in your life, but much has. Too often we focus on the negative and forget our great blessings - health, friends, family, beauty, nature, our body, our mind, Spirit, life itself. Perhaps you have arthritis or your spouse just moved out. Yes, those are big negatives, but your list, anyone's list, of blessings is vastly larger than any list of problems.

6. Design your future. Visualize being in the future you desire. Make that vision so real you can taste and smell it - a three-dimensional full-color motion picture with surround-sound. That is your goal - your destination. Never forget it - never lose track of it. Let what you do every day be done with that vision in mind. Be the aspiring athlete or musician whose every day moves them one inch closer to that three-minute mile or perfect concerto.

7. Either learn how to enjoy your work, or get a new career. Make a list of what you like and what you dislike about your job. Perhaps you enjoy your customers and co-workers, but find your boss annoying. Limit your awareness of the annoying times to the moment in which they occur, but let thoughts of the service and camaraderie permeate your day. If you find that the frustrations of your job outweigh the enjoyment, get a new career. Whatever your interests, there is a way to do something you enjoy, make a difference in the world, and get well paid at the same time. Make a list of all your interests and abilities, and think big. Don't let anyone else's small and limited thinking deter you from your goal.

8. Enjoy everything you do, or don't do it.
Yes, you have to file your taxes and stop at stop signs whether you like it or not. This secret refers to those things you do merely out of habit or to avoid embarrassment. Enjoy that party, or don't accept the invitation. Feel fulfilled by that volunteer committee, or don't join. Believe in that particular charitable cause, or don't contribute. Everything in life is a choice - make wise choices that maximize your happiness.

9. Feel Unity with Spirit and all creation. You are never alone. Your Higher Power, whatever that means to you, is a constant support - never hesitate to ask for guidance and blessing. Remember that Spirit knows better than you what is best for you, so ask for comfort and affluence rather than the affections of a particular person or a higher paying job. Whatever your circumstances, and however often you may have felt rejected, there are many people in this world who live in the tradition of the "Good Samaritan." When troubles weigh upon you, do not hesitate to find and rely upon these people - they are far more numerous than you think.


  1. This is a point in which my life life has had many changes, you either except them or change them, I choose to change and go forward. The topic is so true, but we sometimes lack the courage to go for it, we have nothing to loose, but much to gain. This article hit dead center.

  2. I am shouting with happiness! This post contains so much wisdom! There is no other way to live. I have been struggling with a relationship in my life for two years. Reminding me of what I already knew, but didn't apply to my life, has changed me beginning with this moment. I choose happiness!

  3. Excellent points. If you are married, you should review these points with your significant other.

  4. This is really awesome, and so inspiring. I would like to share this with my friends, I am sure it will help them so much in their lives. Thank you Mr Jonathan Lockwood Huie ....you are blessing so many lives. (Pamelita)

  5. it is impossible to enjoy everything you do.....no one has a life like that...sometimes you have to do things you do not enjoy....

  6. If you are married, some of these things become very difficult.

  7. Especially if you have a child and a unhappy marriage it is difficult. I have been inthis unhappy loveless marriage for 14 yrs, so unhappy it makes me ill everyday. We have to change ourselves to be happy.

  8. I am in the same situtation, it is making me ill too. Very hard to change the situation I am in, it takes a lot of courage. I do choose to try to be as happy as I can be under the circumstances. Maybe today I will find the courage to change it.

  9. Very difficult. I m going thruaunhappy marriage for 3 yrs. I hv been married
    for 22 yrs. Hv a grownup daughter. Right now feel like just breaking free
    of everything, but again I am society concious, have elderly parents,
    who will hv a attack if they know about it.
    Your mails are very motivating for sumtime, but again reality sets in.

  10. I'm going thru a relationship for 6yrs. Not yet married. First 2yrs it was all good. But as of now i'm having so much hard time thinking if i'll still continue or not anymore. I can sense he is uncertain. Sometimes i feel sick & tired.

  11. I am going through a similar situation I am in a unhappy marriage of twenty some years all my children are grown but, I have been recently re-connected with my oldest daughter father. I have never got over him even with him out of site. He too is in a long-term relationship of about 15 years but, has never married. He is the positive focus of my life when he stepped back into my life it was due to the birth of our grandson. I have many health problems and my marriage is making me very depressed your readings has given me much hope and joy to look forward too.


  13. This post was extremely inspiring to me. Sometimes it's so tough to decide what to do your life (job, family, relationship etc) You just find yourself doing what is expected of you, worrying about everyone elses needs, and completely forgeting about what brings you joy in life. Thank you, a great read to start my weekend!

    1. By realizing every1 else's needs I find that I am blinded at my own. I am seldom happy, although I should b happy and very grateful, but when I think about all the wrongs my man of almost 22 years has done to me I constantly get discouraged. It has set my finishing college on hold, I make appts 2 c drs but can never get out of the house and always end up canceling. It's disrupting my world so much and yet if he left me tomorrow I feel I will not b able 2 go on.

  14. Everyone goes through hard times in their lives- some more then others. Just remember- dont quit, it'll get better. Just keep on going- focus on going through just one day at a time. All the best!

  15. I read the daily inspirations also...sometimes I actually "take in" what's on the page instead of just scanning my eyes through yet another phrase. I feel like I have been on the brink of a very important self discovery for some time now. I am certainly not unhappy and I have learned to be grateful for the amazing people in my life, but my reality is also full of conflict and hurdles. This is what we all need to really connect with our own innerselves, slow down and breath life in...Self discovery continues!

  16. I found this article very inspiring and touching...we truly do need these reminders, otherwise we relent to our self-deprecating thoughts. After i read the article and felt inspired, i read on to the above comments and suddenly started feeling more sad again...for those of you that either only allowed yourself to embrace a mere moment of hope and then "let reality set in"...you missed the point. There is always going to be something in all of our realities that has the potential to bring us down. The point isn't so much about what your present reality is (and whether it is pleasant or terrible), its about what you have your eyes and your hopes on. I realized this when I was enduring childhood abuse until the age of 20...which yes, was a terrible situation to endure. That situation was the same for me for 20 years...it wasn't the ongoing abuse that allowed me to be hopeful, it was my ability to see a different future for myself, knowing that if I continued to BELIEVE IN MYSELF that when the right time and the right resources became available that a new life would await me...and it did...it can for you as well, no matter how terrible, even how horrific your situation is...you do have the ability to change it...and yes, with change does come much discomfort.

  17. I feel like a lot of the people who have posted comments here; some positive and some negative. In one way, I feel I can't possibly do all this article says but in another way I feel if I don't make a change of some kind (and soon) I may as well throw in the proverbial towel on my life. I was diagnosed years ago with both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. I've been severly anemic since age 5. I also have glaucoma and my hair has fallen out due to the meds I have to take. I recently fell twice and messed up both arms which I depend on for getting up and down b/c I've had surgery on both knees. Depression comes very easy for me. It's been easy to sit down and 'do nothing' lately b/c of the intense pain. After reading this article I'm thinking it's time for me to rethink the possibilities for life after 60! I'm not DEAD so I guess God's not through with me ... yet!

    1. I am in my 60's too to and no, darling ,you are very much alive . You are precious and very brave . The sun comes up and the rob is n sings as much for you as for anyone else .

  18. Reading this reminded me to remain true to myself. Every morning I read these daily inspirations and it gives me what I need to start my day on the right foot.

  19. I just want to say thanks mr Jonathan for these affirmations God has truly blessed you and i thank God for your articles because they have been a tower of strenght to me.People stop holding on to your problems as if they are your children or your life, reality is what we make reality, try to see the silver lining because where ever there is a dark cloud there is always one I know at times you can feel like no matter how you try something else always comes up to make you depressed and you dont know what to do to feel better well take this from a woman who in less than 4 months ago my husband of 14 yrs moved out of our home to go live with a prostitute stop taking care of his kids start calling and terrorizing us discriminatin my age that i am old i am 33yrs discriminating my body my family turned there backs on me cause i told them 9 yrs ago that i went through sexual abuse from a close family member, they waited until i was having marital problem with my husband they took to his side rejecting there own child and grand children for th likes of material and i could go on and on but the truth is i found god almighty and trust me if you feel like there is no way think again cáuse as long as you dont loose your soul there is always a way i wnt to the lord in prayer the first thing i beg for was the strenght to puul through this time the minute i got up from my knees i felt the strenght i mean immediately i was strong and from then on he started showing me these affirmations from maya angelou i rise like the dust and phenomenal woman i listened to them until i too rise and i too am a phenomenal woman then god led me to mr jonathan affirmation and everyday i use them like vitamins and minerals to go through my days and if i happen to not read them because i have to go to work i still feel that joy in my soul we are not alone we are gods children all we have to do is obey him he listens to us he answers us he cares for us and want the best for us we are the ones who hold on to the sadness and the depression for our own reasons i have once given up my happiness for security but as soon asthe security failed me i see where i went wrong .i trusted in my husband for everything friend, family, security, love, happiness ect. ect.and the minute he left they all went that was the wake up call I needed to realise that you can not put you trust in mortality, only the almighty you can count on in every situtation not family friend or loved ones but if you allow the almighty he will grant you the family the love and the happiness you disired ok two of my brothers turned there backs on me god replace them with seven i found seven brothers who just take me for there sister and lov me. my favorite little baby sister who i raised for over five years turned her back on me i was blessed with four sisters for that one my mother and father turned there backs on me and i was blessed with a mother who needs no material from me all she wants is for me to be fine and a father that would do anything to make me happy now if this is not the almighty himself working it out for me then who could it be i thank him soooooo mucn for his devine intervention in my life he can do it for you too i did not go to church i am not baptized all i have done is to call on the lord for his help and he touched my sinfull soul so it does not matter who you are and what you do make that conection now and you will see ask him to heal your heart on your knees bow down before him for your blessing today it can and it will happen pick up your soul dont give it to the devil he wont make it better make a smart move for your life and get god involved, love to all pople and play shirley ceasar´S he´ll do it again for you.

  20. I just want to say thanks mr Jonathan for these affirmations God has truly blessed you and i thank God for your articles because they have been a tower of strenght to me.People stop holding on to your problems as if they are your children or your life, reality is what we make reality, try to see the silver lining because where ever there is a dark cloud there is always one I know at times you can feel like no matter how you try something else always comes up to make you depressed and you dont know what to do to feel better well take this from a woman who in less than 4 months ago my husband of 14 yrs moved out of our home to go live with a prostitute stop taking care of his kids start calling and terrorizing us discriminatin my age that i am old i am 33yrs discriminating my body my family turned there backs on me cause i told them 9 yrs ago that i went through sexual abuse from a close family member, they waited until i was having marital problem with my husband they took to his side rejecting there own child and grand children for th likes of material and i could go on and on but the truth is i found god almighty and trust me if you feel like there is no way think again cáuse as long as you dont loose your soul there is always a way i wnt to the lord in prayer the first thing i beg for was the strenght to puul through this time the minute i got up from my knees i felt the strenght i mean immediately i was strong and from then on he started showing me these affirmations from maya angelou i rise like the dust and phenomenal woman i listened to them until i too rise and i too am a phenomenal woman then god led me to mr jonathan affirmation and everyday i use them like vitamins and minerals to go through my days and if i happen to not read them because i have to go to work i still feel that joy in my soul we are not alone we are gods children all we have to do is obey him he listens to us he answers us he cares for us and want the best for us we are the ones who hold on to the sadness and the depression for our own reasons i have once given up my happiness for security but as soon asthe security failed me i see where i went wrong .i trusted in my husband for everything friend, family, security, love, happiness ect. ect.and the minute he left they all went that was the wake up call I needed to realise that you can not put you trust in mortality, only the almighty you can count on in every situtation not family friend or loved ones but if you allow the almighty he will grant you the family the love and the happiness you disired ok two of my brothers turned there backs on me god replace them with seven i found seven brothers who just take me for there sister and lov me. my favorite little baby sister who i raised for over five years turned her back on me i was blessed with four sisters for that one my mother and father turned there backs on me and i was blessed with a mother who needs no material from me all she wants is for me to be fine and a father that would do anything to make me happy now if this is not the almighty himself working it out for me then who could it be i thank him soooooo mucn for his devine intervention in my life he can do it for you too i did not go to church i am not baptized all i have done is to call on the lord for his help and he touched my sinfull soul so it does not matter who you are and what you do make that conection now and you will see ask him to heal your heart on your knees bow down before him for your blessing today it can and it will happen pick up your soul dont give it to the devil he wont make it better make a smart move for your life and get god involved, love to all pople and play shirley ceasar´S he´ll do it again for you.

  21. You are a wise and STRONG person! I was so inspired by your post. Through all that pain and suffering you have found God and HOPE. You are anonymous to me but I admire your courage and I pray God replaces all the toxic people in your life with people that honor you and bring you joy! May God truly bless you!

  22. How sad that everyone does not know they have a friend in GOD the maker of heaven and earth. I KNOW this may not be what some want to hear. IF one puts GOD first and for most in their lives everything will work out. MAY NOT BE what we want, but it will work out in our very best interest. IN this life there is just going to be a lot of pain. That is because we have to deal with the GOD of this world. BUT ONE DAY SOON! this will change and life will be HEAVEN ON EARTH. To all those who have family troubles, and believe me I HAVE AND STILL DO HAVE MY SHARE. But because I know who strings them along I CAN know they are defeated in their efforts in destroying my life, because I KNOW their end and I KNOW my life is just beginning. WE have so much to look forward to because if you look around you, no one calls what is RIGHT, (right) anymore. Evil is consider the right way. and GOOD is considered to be bad. WE are in the days of NOAH!!! And I AM NOT SPEAKING OF THE MOVIE. People run around with there heads cut off all day long not knowing what end is up.
    Never taking the time to really look around and see what is the reason for all this madness. People think all the bad weather is because of GLOBAL WARMING, when all along, GOD in controlling the weather. We have as a people taken GOD out of our schools, homes, work places and now our CHURCHES and everyone wants to know what is going on. WAKE UP! GOD is trying to tell us all something, and very few are listening. GOD HAS HAD enough. IF YOU WANT PEACE IN THIS WORLD. Talk to the one that hold the world in his hands. HE WILL LISTEN. HE WILL CARRY YOU AND HOLD YOU IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND. One day soon we will all see him as he is. AND everyone will know who he is.
    BOW now or LATER. BUT, we will bow. SO why wait! You want peace that passes all understand and human logic. DANCE with the one who BOUGHT you. MAKE him the first thing you seek every morning and the last one you talk to at night. HOLD on to him, talk to him. HE wants so much to be there for you, but you have to take the first step. HE will not force his self on you. He gave you the self will to do as you choose. Life is hard and will be hard! BUT in his hands it is so much better and kinder. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY AND REMEMBER TO DANCE WITH THE MASTER.

  23. So true ,God is wounderfull kind forgivin peacefull he is everything we could ever dream that he could be and so much more ,and its also true when we pray to him with all our heart mind and spirit he does hear and always answers us but sometimes we dont take the time to listen and hear what hes saying to us and so we miss his answer and think he hasnt even heard us . and god will always forgive us and show his love for us ,so live in his LOVE his PEACE and his LIGHT now and always .

  24. Mr. Jonathan Huie your word has changed my life so much. I can't do without this reading, it's like when I come to work in the morning I reach for it in my computer. So much of your word involves me, it's like I am a child growing up again. I am now 63 and sitting wondering where my life went or is it too late to get it back.

    I lost a son 29 years ago and because of the situation I can't understand why I had to deal with it the way I did. I prayed one day for the pain I carried to be taken from me and it seemed like a carven from my body. It was the love not the thought. God has been the only Father I no since I was baptized at the age of 12 years old and encountered an car accident at the age of 16 and heard him speak to me. I love him from taking me in his hands from the beginning of my birth, being the child of a married man and so much hidden from me until death did my parent.

    I know no other father to help me with understanding why so much is happening to me and after all the negativity, I know, He wanted me to know he loves me, and to tell the truth I already knew but I didn't believe.

    How can I tell him Thank You is what I keep telling myself cause I was a piece of work but he held my hand and I held his. Excuse me I had to take a minute and listen to God.

    If God didn't send me this way, I think their would have not been time for me to share this letter for your thank, you're the angel he send me and I will continue to read your word.

  25. Gladys,

    I cannot know the pain you feel.
    I cannot share your memories or your loss.
    My words of sympathy are beneath measure, yet
    know that my heart reaches out with love to your heart.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  26. Thank you so much for this piece on "Getting Unstuck". I desperately needed to read this because I suffered a blow online the other day that caused me a great deal of humiliation and pain. It has changed my life, tearing it apart and costing me the life I had created for myself over the last 7 years. I have no family left, and I am back to being alone in the last few years I have. I have not felt such devastation since my mother died. Your article helped me try to regain some bit of perspective as I try to regain my breath. You are so often there with just the words a person needs to hear. THANK YOU!


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