Welcome to my Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote. See today's daily inspirational quotes below.
May the world be kind to you, and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year's Eve 2024/2025


Cheer for endings -- whether goals have been met or not --
whether the ending is tidy or ragged.
Without endings, there would be neither the opportunity
nor the incentive to think new thoughts,
and to begin great new projects.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

At the end of a matter ask,
"What will I learn from this to make me better?"
- Mary Anne Radmacher

It's your life.
Live it with people who are alive.
It tends to be contagious.
- Peter McWilliams

Happiness is like a kiss.
You must share it to enjoy it.
- Bernard Meltzer

Remember that happiness is as contagious as gloom.
It should be the first duty of those who are happy
to let others know of their gladness.
- Maurice Maeterlinck

Further reading: Create Completion

Time to Move On

Endings and Beginnings

Focus on Finishing

What's Done is Done

Monday, December 30, 2024

Be Conscious of Your Treasures


We can only be said to be truly alive in those moments
when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.
- Thornton Wilder

Even from the darkest night, songs of beauty can be born.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Beauty is whatever gives joy.
- Edna St. Vincent Millay

We live in a wonderful world that is
full of beauty, charm and adventure.
There is no end to the adventures that we can have
if only we seek them with our eyes open.
- Jawaharlal Nehru

See beauty in the familiar.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Beauty and Adventure in the Commonplace

Pay Attention to the Natural World

Have Eyes for Beauty

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Why are you going there?


I am the owner of my choices.
I am the source for the perspectives I choose to hold...
regardless of how aware I am of why or how I come to possess
that particular perspective.
It takes courage to look into the mirror of our souls, absent excuses.
I will look into that mirror little bits at a time.
SEE and ACT. SEE what I can bear to see and ACT upon what I am able.
This is the heart of a gentle invitation to personal responsibility.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Trust yourself. Only you can live your life.
Only you can taste your victories.
Only you can suffer the sting of your defeats.
Make your own choices, and accept your own consequences -
for better or worse.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

To raise new questions, new possibilities,
to regard old problems from a new angle,
requires creative imagination.
- Albert Einstein

Footprints in the sands of time...
Where have you been?
Where are you going?
Why are you going there?
Pay attention.
Don't let resentments or pessimism answer for you.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

There's no reality except the one contained within us.
That's why so many people live an unreal life.
They take images outside them for reality and never
allow the world within them to assert itself.
- Hermann Hesse

Further reading:  Seek the Truth

Maybe So, Maybe Not. - Ancient Taoist Proverb

Many Answers

Knowing Yourself

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Our Darknesses


Everything that irritates us about others
can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
- Carl Jung

Fear grows in darkness;
if you think there's a bogeyman around,
turn on the light.
- Dorothy Thompson

Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.
- Lao Tzu

Knowing your own darkness is the best method
for dealing with the darknesses of other people.
- Carl Jung

Further reading: Categorizing People


Driving Out Darkness

Friday, December 27, 2024

Opinions are Not Truth


The antiquity and general acceptance of an opinion
is not assurance of its truth.
- Pierre Bayle

There is no truth.
There is only perception.
- Gustave Flaubert

If you wish to see the truth,
then hold no opinion for or against.
- Osho

Having a personal opinion is great.
Believing that one's personal opinion is absolute truth
leads to most of the world's troubles.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Even the truth, when believed, is a lie.
You must experience the truth, not believe it.
- Werner Erhard

Further reading: What is "The Truth?"

Not As It Appears

The Work - Four Questions

Art of Seeing

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Always Be Open to Making a Change


A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Note that the problem isn't with "consistency," but with "foolish consistency."
What makes a habitual action "foolish?" Ask yourself whether it serves you, or whether you serve it.

Progress is impossible without change,
and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
- George Bernard Shaw

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past,
threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.
- Maya Angelou

When what you are doing is frustrating you, STOP.
Pause to consider the true importance of the task.
Reflect on whether there is a better plan for reaching your goal.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Beginning Today, Make Fresh Choices

No Need to Conform

Our Habits

Your Whole Toolkit

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas 2024


May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
The heart of Christmas which is love.
- Ada V. Hendricks

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world,
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
- Norman Vincent Peale

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.
- Charles Dickens

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind.
To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy,
is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
- Calvin Coolidge

Further reading: Happy Birthday Jesus

With Love in My Heart

Brotherly Love 

The Power of Unconditional Love

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Play Full-Out


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed
by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
- widely misattributed to Mark Twain

I have accepted fear as a part of life -
specifically the fear of change...
I have gone ahead despite the pounding
in the heart that says: turn back.
- Erica Jong

No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars,
or sailed to an uncharted land,
or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.
- Helen Keller

Play full-out and enjoy all of Life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Think Big, Act Big

Become a Seeker

Don't Wait!

My thoughts on "safety" versus living full-out

Monday, December 23, 2024

Our most basic common link ...


That sense of sacredness,
that thinking in generations,
must begin with reverence for this earth.
- Paul Tsongas

Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet.
We all breathe the same air.
We all cherish our children's future.
And we are all mortal.
- John F. Kennedy

We need to think of the future and the planet we are
going to leave to our children and their children.
- Kofi Annan

People must feel that the natural world is important
and valuable and beautiful and wonderful
and an amazement and a pleasure.
- David Attenborough

To cherish what remains of the Earth
and to foster its renewal
is our only legitimate hope of survival.
- Wendell Berry

Consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.
- Wilma Mankiller

Image of our earth taken by the NASA Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite.

Further reading: Our Grandchildren's Planet

Natural Web of Life

One Great Dewdrop

All Life

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Compassion, Empathy and Service


Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of
the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
you did for me.
- Jesus (Matthew 25:40)

There are moments when the heart is generous,
and then it knows that for better or worse our lives are woven together here,
one with one another and with the place and all the living things.
- Wendell Berry

Love your neighbor as yourself.
- Jesus (Mathew 22:39)

A person's religion is what they do and say all day, seven days a week -
not what they say and do at 10 am on Sunday.
Our religion is defined by how we choose to treat the Least of These.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Feed the Hungry

To Be a Faithful Follower of Jesus

We Belong to Each Other

What is Your Religion?

Saturday, December 21, 2024

You Can't Have Progress Without Change


The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.
- Charles Kettering (1876-1958 - holder of 186 US Patents, including the automotive electric starter)

A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.
- Mark Twain

New ideas pass through three periods:
1) It can't be done.
2) It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing.
3) I knew it was a good idea all along!
- Arthur C. Clarke

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
-Woodrow Wilson

Ideas, yes.
Inspiration, yes.
Creativity, yes.
Planning, yes.
Perseverance, yes.
More perseverance, yes.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Progress

A Better Plan


Cheer for Endings

Friday, December 20, 2024

Gather Strength from Life's Storms


Today's affirmation:
I gather strength from life's storms.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Expect to have hope rekindled.
Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways.
The dry seasons in life do not last.
The spring rains will come again.
- Sarah Ban Breathnach

Being defeated is often a temporary condition.
Giving up is what makes it permanent.
- Marilyn vos Savant

We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself
the means of inspiration and survival.
- Winston Churchill

If I could tell the world just one thing
it would be we're all okay,
and not to worry cause worry is wasteful
and useless in times like these.
I won't be made useless.
I won't be idle with despair,
I will gather myself around my faith.
Light does the darkness most fear.
- Jewel

Further reading: Serenity Rather than Fear

Tested by Storms

Calm During Storms

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Appreciate the Simple Joys


Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life
are not only not indispensable,
but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.
- Henry David Thoreau

The essence of life is not in
the great victories and grand failures,
but in the simple joys.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.
- Henry David Thoreau

The greatest wealth is to live content with little.
- Plato

Further reading: Life Really Is Good

Choose Joy Anyway

Calm During Storms

Radiate Light and Love

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Do Not Confuse "Urgent" with "Important"


Take time to contemplate - away from the opinions and influence of others -
what you really want and what you believe to be important in your life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Do first things first, and second things not at all.
- Peter Drucker

It is a better thing to weigh and measure priorities
in the illuminating light of your own mission
than to have your activities formed by the
impressions and expectations of others.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

"It's not that important,
don't worry about it" is the answer,
now what was the question?
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Take a deep breath and do the difficult thing first.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Do Not Confuse "Urgent" with "Important."

If a task is important, do it now.
If it is not truly important, forget about it forever, relax,
and do something that really is important.
Caution: The most important things in life are seldom the most obvious.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

Either Accept It, or Change It

Perspective on Priorities

Choose Your Focus

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Whoever Controls Education Controls the Future


There are two educations.
One should teach us how to make a living,
and the other how to live.
- John Adams

Education is not job training;
the function of education is to instill an appreciation
of our place in the flow of time and space,
to expand our intellectual and empathetic understanding
of nature and people.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I don't think anybody anywhere can talk about the future...
without talking about education.
Whoever controls the education of our children controls our future.
- Wilma Mankiller

Education is a social process.
Education is growth.
Education is not a preparation for life;
education is life itself.
- John Dewey

Modern cynics and skeptics... see no harm in paying those
to whom they entrust the minds of their children
a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom
they entrust the care of their plumbing.
- John F. Kennedy

Nothing is more important than education,
because nowhere are our stakes higher;
our future depends on the quality of education of our children today.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Further reading: Lifelong Learning

How Society Treats Its Children Defines That Society

The Nature of Learning

Honor the Children

Monday, December 16, 2024

My Cup Runneth Over - My Life Is Abundant


Find something to enjoy and to appreciate about TODAY.

Today's affirmation:
My Cup Runneth Over - My Life Is Abundant.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Not what we have,
but what we enjoy,
constitutes our abundance.
- Epicurus

Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.
- Wayne Dyer

Our journey into consciousness of wealth begins
with the realization that we have already arrived.
- Michael Beckwith

Abundance is not something we acquire.
It is something we tune into.
- Wayne Dyer

Further reading: Know that You have been Blessed

Have Gratitude for THIS Moment

Is your glass of life half empty? Or half full?

Appreciate Your Abundance

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Appreciate What We DO Have


Is your glass of life
half empty?
Or half full?

Be Grateful for All of Life:
Each of us has been infinitely blessed - beginning with the gift of life.
Whatever may appear to be missing or broken on any particular day,
our glass is not half full, it is 99.9% full.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie - from 7 Secrets for a Happy Life

I don't think of all the misery,
but of the beauty that still remains.
- Anne Frank

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.
- Thornton Wilder

However much or little you have,
"Thank You" is always a more powerful prayer than, "I need more."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Thank You God

Life Really Is Good

Appreciate Your Blessings

My Glass of Life

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Balance Tradition and Progress


Those who can see value only in tradition,...
deny man's ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
- Stephen Bayley

Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches,
letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.
- Pauline R. Kezer

I prefer to choose which traditions to keep and which to let go.
- Theodore Bikel

There are two lasting bequests we can give our children
One is roots, the other is wings.
- Hodding Carter

Honor tradition, but
Do not be constrained by tradition.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

We Need Both the Vision and the Practicality,
Both the Lightness and the Solidarity,
Both the Wings and the Roots.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Embrace Change

Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Break with Conformity

Life is an Adventure

Friday, December 13, 2024

Stay Alert for Doors that Open for You


I celebrate myself, and sing myself.
- Walt Whitman

When you follow your bliss,
doors will open for you
that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.
- Joseph Campbell

Follow that will and that way
which experience confirms to be your own.
- Carl Jung

If you get to the point where someone is telling you
that you are not great or not good enough,
just follow your heart
and don't let anybody crush your dream.
- Patti LaBelle

Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Further reading: Don't Settle for "Good Enough"

Choose to Follow Your Heart

Go Where There is No Path

Choosing Your Destination

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Choose Serenity


We have a good life when we manage to live with both
satisfied and unsatisfied needs,
when we are not obsessed by what is beyond our reach.
- Kjell Magne Bondevik

Do what you can, and do it well.
Accept the rest with equanimity, and trust in God.
No one can ever do more than that.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued,
is always just beyond your grasp,
but which, if you will sit down quietly,
may alight upon you.
- Nathaniel Hawthorne

Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often.
- Anonymous

Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time;
serenity, that nothing is.
- Thomas Szasz

Laugh at yourself and at life.
Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity,
but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain,
cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective
that seemingly terrible defeat and worry
with laughter at your predicaments,
thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution
that is certain to come. Never take yourself too seriously.
- Og Mandino

The difference between serenity and boredom is whether you choose to enjoy it.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Consciousness, Courage, and Compassion

Today's affirmation: I practice keen awareness,
and make my choices with consciousness, courage,
and compassion toward all.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Let us not look back in anger
or forward in fear,
but around in awareness.
- James Thurber

Today, begin to look on all things
with love, appreciation and open-mindedness.
- A Course in Miracles

It is the Consciousness with which we participate
in activities that makes the difference.
- Michael Beckwith

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious
privilege it is to be alive -
to breathe,
to think, to enjoy, to love.
- Marcus Aurelius

Pay attention. Cultivate awareness.
Life cannot be lived fully or joyfully if
our thoughts are focused on regretting the past,
preoccupied with anticipating the future,
or lost in the mind-fog of unconscious habitual behavior.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

What is necessary to change a person is
to change his awareness of himself.
- Abraham Maslow

For some of us, the world appears to provide
only a fixed quantity of each resource -
a limited amount of food, of money,
of love, of success, of appreciation.
For others, life is unlimited.
Their world expands with the generosity, compassion,
inventiveness, and service that they contribute.
In this world-view, money that is spent
or given away returns multiplied.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Let Go and Accept This Moment

Assumptions are Dangerous

Be Open - Welcome the New

Bounty of the Earth

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Be Gentle with the Earth


A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him,
that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men,
and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help.
- Albert Schweitzer

This land, this water, this air, this planet -
this is our legacy to our young.
- Paul Tsongas

People must feel that the natural world is important
and valuable and beautiful and wonderful
and an amazement and a pleasure.
- David Attenborough

If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow,
we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology.
We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created,
not just as it looked when we got through with it.
- Lyndon B. Johnson

Be gentle with the earth.
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

Further reading: Our Future is the World's Children

One Planet, One People, One Destiny

Legacy to Future Generations

Reverence for Our Earth

Monday, December 9, 2024

Appreciate Simplicity, for Simplicity is the Path to Joy


Appreciate Simplicity, for Simplicity is the Path to Joy.

A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.
- Chinese Proverb

We thought that we had the answers,
it was the questions we had wrong.
- Bono

Sing like no one's listening,
love like you've never been hurt,
dance like nobody's watching,
and live like its heaven on earth.
- Mark Twain

Indifferent to whether your mood is grumpy or cheerful,
Nature always sings her passionate song of joyful celebration.
You can never stop the happy song of life,
so join the celebration -
sing along, dance, make love,
smile your biggest smile, and cheer on Nature's music.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: What We Expect to See

Soar Your Spirit

Profound Questions

The Mysterious


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Find Your Own Inner Peace


There is no way to peace; peace IS the way.
- A. J. Muste

May the peace which passes all understanding be among you and remain with you always.
- Paraphrase of the blessing that concludes the Episcopal communion service

We all share unity with each other
and with the one Creator Spirit.
We are one.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Each one has to find [their own] peace from within.
And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

Further reading: Be a Bringer of Peace

Support Each Other


Become Centered, Breathe

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Try Something New


Unless you try to do something
beyond what you have already mastered,
you will never grow.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Move out of your comfort zone. You can only
grow if you are willing to feel awkward and
uncomfortable when you try something new.
- Brian Tracy

If you put yourself in a position where you have to
stretch outside your comfort zone,
then you are forced to expand your consciousness.
- Les Brown

To the degree we're not living our dreams,
our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves.
- Peter McWilliams 

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future.
You must break out of your current comfort zone and
become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.
- Denis Waitley

Further reading: Take Charge of Your Life

Time to Move On

Finding Joy in Our Troubled Lives

Your Intuition is Your Guide

Friday, December 6, 2024

Bring joy into someone's life

The journey between what you once were
and who you are now becoming
is where the dance of Life really takes place.
- Barbara De Angelis

Live to experience something new each day -
to learn something new, to meet a new friend,
to bring joy into someone's life,
to feel the wind newly on your skin,
to touch a new fear and a new anger,
and with focused intent and good fortune,
to find an ample measure of your own joy.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I will dance a little. I will move with the wind.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Further reading: Choose to Dance

The Dance of Life

Thursday, December 5, 2024

To Gain Inner Peace, You Must Forgive


Forgive those who have injured you -
not because they deserve your forgiveness,
but because you can never be happy until
you release your anger and grant forgiveness.
Forgiving is not a gift to someone else -
Forgiving is your gift to yourself - a great gift - the gift of happiness.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

The remedy for wrongs is to forget them.
- Publilius Syrus

Forgiveness is not always easy.
At times, it feels more painful
than the wound we suffered,
to forgive the one that inflicted it.
And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.
- Marianne Williamson

Forgiveness means letting go of the hope for a better past.
- Lama Surya Das

Forgiveness ... is the finishing of old business
that allows us to experience the present,
free of contamination from the past.
- Joan Borysenko

The Price of Inner Peace is Forgiveness.
 - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: How to Forgive and Move On

Stop Anger Before it Stops You 

Forgive Others for Your Own Sake

Forgiveness is Essential to a Great Relationship

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Cultivate Perspective

Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Perspective is a Prerequisite to Wisdom.
One cannot have wisdom without perspective,
but once gaining perspective, one attains wisdom.
Wisdom is the ability to view every situation
as each person who is in any way affected
by that situation might view it.
Wisdom benefits from having a knowledge of history,
and therefore a historical perspective,
as well from as having the perspective of imagination -
the realm of the what-might-be
inhabited by futurists and science-fiction writers.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading:
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - If a man is called to be a street sweeper...

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.

Martin Luther King, Jr. quote: Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Maintain Your Balance

The ancient Chinese Yin-Yang symbol represents the balance of yin (peacefulness, serenity, acceptance, rest, rejuvenation, roots, tradition) with yang (activity, strength, striving, movement, change, wings, invention, progress). A meaningful and joyful life is to be found in balance.

In the midst of movement and chaos,
keep stillness inside of you.
- Deepak Chopra

Manage the remarkable balance between acting
from your heart and close to your gifts
with completing the obligations
that your labor and tasks require of you.
Leverage opportunity AND seize joy.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.
- Confucius

Maintain a balance between skepticism and faith.
Maintain a beginner mind. Be open to possibility.
Don't give in to skepticism,
but don't give in to fantasy either.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Be aware of wonder.
Live a balanced life -
learn some and think some
and draw and paint
and sing and dance
and play and work every day some.
- Robert Fulghum

Further reading: Go With the Flow - Six Ways to Live a Happier Life

Seek Balance in Life

Balance Work and Play

Monday, December 2, 2024

Compassion is the universal standard for moral living


To keep the Golden Rule we must put ourselves in other people's places,
but to do that consists in and depends upon picturing
ourselves in their places.
- Harry Emerson Fosdick (Founding Pastor of New York's Riverside Church)

That which is hateful to you,
do not do to your fellow.
That is the whole Torah;
the rest is the explanation.
- Talmud (Jewish Wisdom)

Do not do to others what would anger you
if done to you by others.
- Isocrates (Ancient Greek)

Do to others as you would have them do to you.
- Luke 6:31 (the "Golden Rule") 

Make A Special Effort To Have Empathy
With Those Who Are Very Different From Yourself.

Know that the true essence of the Golden Rule
is always being compassionate, kind,
generous, and being in service to others.
Compelling others to behave as you wish
them to behave in the name of the
Golden Rule is a corruption of a sacred principle.
Compassion is the universal standard for moral living.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Allowing Others the Right of Free Speech

Social Morality

Make Empathy a Daily Practice

God Calls Us To Help Others

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Love Needs to be Renewed Daily


Distance cannot matter - ours is a friendship of the heart.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Love is not a mere sentiment.
Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation.
- Rabindranath Tagore

Love that does not renew itself every day becomes a habit and in turn a slavery.
- Khalil Gibran

A friend is someone who understands my past,
believes in my future,
and accepts me just the way I am.
- Anonymous

A true friend is the one who walks in when others walk out.
- Walter Winchell

Our relationships - love and friendship - are at the core of the meaning of our lives. Let today be a day to appreciate your relationships and friendships. Let today also be a day to be clear which connections are committed, and which are merely for temporary convenience.

Further reading:  Appreciate Your Friends

Happy Friends - Happy You

Today's picture features words and calligraphy by my dear friend Mary Anne Radmacher and art by my wife Suze Huie.
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