ACTION - the sixth Point of Simply An Inspired Life I Act with Bold Courage - Taking inspiration from the powerful vision of my future, I boldly set sail with courage and intent. I hold my course with focused attention and relentless commitment, as I weather the storms of life. Live a Life of Bold and Courageous Action Inspired by Powerful Dreams. - jlh Choose with no regret. - mar |
Begin Today, and Again Tomorrow
- Helen Keller
Every day is a day to take action. Whatever your choices, take action on those choices. Taking no action is equally a choice, just not a choice made from awareness. Make conscious choices, and take action on those choices - Today.
"what's he got that I ain't got" As I was leaving a job I gave the director of education, who was new at his job, a medallion. I carefully mocked it up to look new, fresh. He was grateful. I was the one who needed that medallion. Remembering this helps.