- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Always question WHY you are doing something. Is it a free-will gift or an obligation? That which is done out of a feeling of obligation is unworkable as a substitute for a gift. Obligation creates a feeling of resentment on your part, and evokes resentment rather than gratitude on the part of the recipient.
Give your time and efforts freely or not at all. When you are tempted to say, "Oh, if I have to, I'll skip my golf game and watch my daughter play soccer," don't do it. Either generate the heart-felt emotion to make the free-will gift, "I'd love to watch your game today, Sandy," or the honesty to decline the request gracefully. Martyrdom doesn't create happiness for any of the parties involved. An honest, "No" is preferable to a coerced "Yes."
thank you for enlightening me...you are a blessing to me each day.